Monday, April 11, 2011

Reading Against Defeat

Are you facing a troubled situation today?
Are you demoralised by challenges insurmountable?
Are you plagued by difficult people?

It was said once to me that "Leaders are Readers."

During one of the darkest moments of my life, I took out a couple of great non-fiction, self-help books. Together with a great buddy of mine, we spent the wee hours of the morning at the Marina Barrage in Singapore. Reading. Yes, reading, instead of drinking away my problems with alcohol or some other common "de-stressing" techniques.

The first three nights were uneventful. I still felt down, defeated and tired. However, I kept mugging away at the books. My weary eyes dutifully took in word after word, chapter after chapter and page after page.

Words cannot explain what happened from the fourth night... suddenly, I just felt a kind of STRENGTH I have never felt before. A wave of hope and a ray of light in the dark recesses of my soul. It was as if I was born again. I simply no longer feel destitute or lonely in my circumstances.

As a result, I stood up after a few early mornings of reading in solitude to face the world anew. To say to the walls surrounding me, "You shall be TORN DOWN!"

Indeed, that was what I did and not only did I survive beyond my headaches, I arose VICTORIOUS. I came off that period of time WISER. I created a new movement within the Business that led to an explosion of new numbers!

To start off, you can consider investing your most humbling hours in the Top 5 Books of TEAM Asia - namely:

  1. How To Have Confidence And Power In Dealing With People
  2. How To Win Friends And Influence People
  3. The Magic Of Thinking Big
  4. How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling
  5. Personality Plus

So, next time, rather than simply trying to be "tough" when adversity hits you, hit it back by Reading! Then, your adage shall become, "When the going gets tough, the READER gets going."

You can obtain your Top 5 Books set from TEAM Asia at a very special price! Simply call your upline Team Leader to enquire.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Philosophy Of Business (Singapore)

TEAM Asia started from a small nation. This tiny island is the land of opportunity, home to 6 million people, almost half of whom hails from overseas.

What are the principles of business?

Singapore is a very unique market for network marketing businesses. Some say that Singapore is uniquely DIFFICULT to build a networking organisation.

However, TEAM Asia has deciphered the  "Da Vinci Code" of Singapore and we will present nuggets of our best findings here. In order to fully benefit from the best PDCA we have conducted on the Singapore market, it is imperative that you faithfully turn up for your Counseling Session with your respective TEAM Directors who have been taught the secrets to taking Singapore by storm.

MonaVie Singapore Office

In this post, we want to keep all of you updated on the progress of the MonaVie Singapore Office - with exclusive pictures and videos! TEAM Asia Director Rykel Lim was intimately involved with the design and construction of the facility, and has graciously contributed his photographs to this post. Upcoming TEAM Asia Director Val Ng also gave us a few of his prized photographs. Enjoy.

In The Beginning


This post will be updated frequently with information about how TEAM Asia started our journey.

We will also list the factors that led to our decision to build the TEAM Community in Asia.